Yom HaAtzmaut

Well done - you've got to the end of the Alma Yom HaAtzmaut treasure hunt 2020
Thanks for joining our Yom HaAtzmaut treasure hunt. We hope you have enjoyed playing and doing all the activities. This is the end of the hunt - you have succeeded!
We wanted to end our hunt by sending Israel a huge 'yom haAtzmaut sameakh' shout out from all of us... so here it is. Remember to send pictures of any decorations, home made pittot, Blue & White challenges, or any of the other things you have been doing to celebrate Israerl's birthday today. Email your pictures to israel@almaprimary.org by 2pm so we can share them at the party...
Don't forget to join us for our zoom party at 3pm - see you there!
If you haven't had enough, you can head to Bim Bam for an overview of Yom HaAtzmaut; older children and parents may appreciate a UK video of the Declaration of the state of Israel, featuring a range of communal leaders.