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Family Digital Safety Agreements

We are all using the internet and our devices far more and it is important that parents/carers continue to  be mindful of the access and experience children have while using iPads/tablets, computers and phones. A great way to support children by helping them to develop healthy online habits is to put in place a family agreement.

As well as addressing issues around contact from strangers and time spent online, a family internet agreement can also consider use of devices during family meals and appropriate behaviour online. 

There are a number of excellent resources to help families create an agreement, which parents/carers could choose to access. has created this structured agreement, which is recommended as a starting point for most families. 

For parents/carers who have a clear idea of what they want, Childnet have produced this more open-ended agreement, along with this blog giving guidance to parents/carers on how to structure a family discussion around safe and appropriate internet use. 

We recommend putting in place an agreement for children from Reception up to Year 6, and reviewing the agreement once or twice a year, so that as children develop the agreement can change to reflect their growing needs.