The Four Cs

The Four Cs of Online Safety
If a child is allowed to play this game, download this app, use an online service, what can they see, what content are they subjected to? Are there filters we can use? Are there age restrictions?
When they are using their technology, playing games, using apps, who are they talking to? Are you happy with this? Can you turn chat off? Are there any block/report features?
This describes the behaviour of your child. If allowed to play this game, use this app, use this website, how will they/do they behave as a result?
The internet, all the apps, games and services are driven by commercialism. Many of these services are free, but they have to make money somehow. We’re all used to ads and the fact our data is farmed in order to show us targeted and relevant ads, but commercialism also includes scams, identity theft, fraud etc. Children need to understand this and know the truth about the persuasive untruths that they are exposed to.
These 4 C’s are really useful for many reasons:
- They are simple to understand.
- You don’t have to know every risk and issue.
- They allow you to consider and investigate the potential concerns.
- They can be used as conversation starters with children.