Year 5 - Healthy Lifestyles

13th and 20th January 2022 - Healthy Lifestyles with Miss Rosehill
The children learnt that their lifestyles contribute to their health and that habits can have both a positive and negative effect on this. In our lesson, we looked at the secret life of food. The children were excited to learn about the history of different salads, curries, fish and chips and spaghetti bolognese. They learnt how cucumbers grow and that they are around 95% water, with the most nutritious part being the skin. They learnt about the benefits of onions and keeping the skins on potatoes and how to make healthy versions of some popular fried foods! We also discussed having things in moderation, enjoying what we eat and treating ourselves sometimes too! It seems that some of you families have some incredibly talented chefs amongst you and the whole discussion made us all very hungry hearing about the wonderful things that you cook!
The children have also learnt about the importance of a balanced diet, exercise and sleep and created their own healthy eating plates. They also thought about how much exercise they do in a day and learnt that they need to be keeping active for a total of 60 minutes each day!