Science and Shavuot

Our wheat has been growing just like us!
During the festival of Sukkot in September last year and as part of our science learning, we each planted seeds in small pots in our classroom. We learnt that in order for a seed to survive and grow into a strong plant, it needs water, light, suitable temperature, air and time. When we started to see shoots, we transferred them to our Alma garden where we have been observing the plants closely and taking care of them over the last few months.
It is soon Shavuot (a harvest festival celebrating the barley and wheat harvests) so this week, we began harvesting the wheat which has now grown very tall. We learnt about the process of thrashing which loosens the edible part of grain from the straw to which it is attached. We had a go at thrashing the wheat ourselves! Have a look at the Year 1 wheat standing tall and proud when you next visit the Alma garden!