Religious Eductaion
Learning about Easter with Sacred Heart Primary School
Year 3 was lucky to be visited by a teacher from Sacred Heart School to teach them all about the Christian festival of Easter. It was fascinating to hear all about the story of Easter and also some Christian traditions, including transubstantiation which is when Christians eat bread and wine to represent Jesus’ body and blood.
Year 3 then wrote their own poems about Easter using their new knowledge. Morah Jeannie from Alma Primary went to teach the Sacred Heart children all about Pesah at the same time.
The following day, Year 3 went to Sacred Heart to see their Easter performance. They enjoyed the songs and acting especially. Alma's Year 3 then shared their Easter poems with the Sacred Heart Year 3 children who shared their Pesah poems. It was a great opportunity to meet some friendly Year 3 children and see their lovely school.