Year 5 blog
Welcome to the wonderful world of Year 5!
Book review link for the books read at home: Book Reviews
Year 5 - We look forward to reading your fortnightly reviews and discussing the different books that you have been reading at home with you!
- 07/06/24
- 07/06/24
Year 5 Lincolnsfield Residential
Year 5 Residential Adventure: Fun, Friendship, and Talent Galore!Read Full Story - 07/06/24
- 30/01/24
Quaking Earthquakes in Year 5!
Things are shaking up in Year 5 as we explore earthquakes!Read Full Story - 23/09/22
- 12/05/22
- 19/07/21
Moat Mount Visit
On Tuesday 13th July we went up the A1 to Moat Mount. We started off the day with some team building activities in groups of 6. Our first challenge was to come up with a team name - this was much harder than we thought it would be! We had to come up with strategies to solve various problems as a gro...Read Full Story - 20/03/20
Being Thankful
It’s been a very surreal yet busy week in Year 5 this week. The children have been creating posters about things that they are thankful for and wrote inspirational and positive quotes and messages to their friends and family in light of the current situation of COVID-19. They have all bee...Read Full Story - 12/03/20
Victorian Prison Life!
Thursday 12th March 2020 Today, we came into the classroom and had to the most boring tasks, such as counting string and standing up and sitting down – in complete silence! We later learnt that this was to represent the monotonous tasks Victorian prisoners did day in and day out in order to...Read Full Story - 05/03/20
World Book Day - Thursday 5th March 2020
What an amazing World Book Day! Alma became a school filled with factious story characters! We learnt about Lewis Carroll and his amazing stories and poems. We explored the poem ‘Jabberwocky’ and created our own idea of what a Jabberwocky looks like using clay! We went to a really exciti...Read Full Story - 28/02/20
RSHE: Economic Wellbeing
We learnt a unit on ‘Economic Wellbeing.’ We discussed what money is, why we need it, how we use it and the difference between wanting something and needing something. We explored, in depth, who and what influences the choices we make about how money is used. We shared the things we like...Read Full Story