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Anti-Bullying Week

This year, the theme is ‘United Against Bullying.’

On Monday 16th November, we celebrated national 'Odd Socks Day' again. This was an opportunity to have fun, be unique and celebrate the core values of Anti-Bullying Week.

We discussed what bullying is, the different types of bullying and learnt more about the theme from the official Anti Bullying Week video. The children expressed their own ideas on who is responsible for preventing or dealing with bullying. They considered how collective responsibility and standing united against injustice has helped shape the world. At Alma, we strive to have a world built on kindness which will help to prevent bullying.

We listened to the book “I Am Every Good Thing” by Derrick Barnes - an upbeat, empowering picture book in which the author is proud of everything that makes him who he is. 

We also created our own puzzle pieces to represent how we can all work and unite to fight against bullying.